Language :
  • English
  • ဗမာစာ
  • BNK Staff Loan
    Interest 18%

    Amount :

    Fixed amount per position

    Term :

    12/18/24 months

    Repay Method :

    Monthly Installment

    Require Document

    • Must have served in the company for (1) year as a BNK employee.
    • Registration Copy.
    • Census copy (or) Residency certificate.
    • If his family is not in the Operation Area of the BNK Company, a certificate of residency of the current habitat.
    • Copy of staff ID card.
    • Licensed photo (1 image) (Loan only once)
    • Liability must be guaranteed by the lender and the same or branch employee (one employee has the right to guarantee a loan for a maximum of two other employees as a loan guarantee.)”